Ginanigans or Bust

Well the time has certainly flown by, in fact 25 years has come and gone and it seems like only yesterday I was learning how to make some pretty good hooch with moonshiner Steve up in the forest back home in New Zealand sometime in the 1980’s. Nowadays I reside in Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom and as a lover of Gin decided that it was high time I want back to my roots, got ourselves a small barn, built my own (from scratch) one of a kind red copper still with a huge vapour infuser christened “Ginavive” and set to work producing the finest cloudy Dry Gin I could possibly make using only the very best ingredients and water.

Now unlike many, we are true craft distillers through and through. We make everything ourselves from building stills on site from up-cycled bits and pieces all of which are powered by renewable energy, to sourcing ingredients from local suppliers where we can. Some of our rarer botanicals we have cultivated from seed and grow here on site. We are all about the craft and especially the magic of creating something beautiful for those among us that are the real appreciators, the lovers and the quaffers of fine spirits.

So today I thought that I would sit down and present to you my very first of what I hope will be many blogs. I’m sure that there will be hints, tips and a few funny little stories along the way. Especially ones of how we evolved from distilling up in the wild New Zealand bush and selling our hooch in jars, to winning awards for our products in pretty flint glass bottles sitting on the shelves in shops. Mother would be so proud: )

Have a fab weekend everyone, I raise a fine G&T to you all.


Our Perfect Summertime G + T